Avtomobil tormoz pad ishlab chiqaruvchilari yuk mashinasi tormoz prok-shabnolarining identifikatsiya usulini taqdim etadilar

? Let the

1. Mahsulotni qadoqlash va sertifikatlashtirishga qarang. Produced by regular manufacturers, the packaging printing is more clear, there is a license number, the specified friction coefficient, the implementation of standards, etc., the packaging box has a certificate, production batch number, production date, etc., so it is necessary to check whether the product packaging is intact, the anti-counterfeiting mark and the packaging mark are consistent with the mark on the product model is consistent with the content of the certificate. If the packaging is simple, the information is incomplete or no, or even "three no" products, you should consider it carefully. In addition, whether it is disc or drum, the manufacturer has strictly specified its thickness, and the owner can measure it by himself.

2. Compare whether the price is reasonable. Prices on the market range from dozens to hundreds, and businesses in the sale are emphasizing the original factory, in addition to price differences, for quality differences, businesses are also well aware. Ikkalasi aniq o'lcham va shakli bo'lishi mumkin, ammo ularning narxlari uch baravar ko'p. Therefore, a point of price, a point of goods, is indeed the standard for judging the quality of things, as long as it is lower than the market price, it must be inferior.

It is said that the driver is a high-risk occupation, a heavy truck loads dozens of tons of cargo, the operation and the car is completely comparable, once an accident, the consequences are unimaginable. Yaxshi odam baxtsiz hodisalar ehtimolini minimal darajada kamaytirishi mumkin. Ko'pchilik haydovchilarning xavfsizligi uchun biz sotib olayotganda sifat kafolatimizni tanlashimiz kerak.

O'tish vaqti: fevral-07-2025