Birinchidan, tormoz prokladkalarini o'zgartirganda, uning burchaklarini maydalashga e'tibor bering. Umuman olganda, tormoz prokladiki, odatda "Chaqir" deb nomlangan diagonali tekislik uchun ajratiladi. In addition to this “chamfer”, it is also necessary to polish the edge position of the entire friction surface, which is actually a noise matching process. Because the old brake pads and brake discs have passed tens of thousands of kilometers of “lingering”, they have formed a certain complementary shape between each other. Ya'ni, eski tormoz prokladkalari tormoz diskida o'z-o'zidan bo'sh joyni o'yib qo'yishgan. Tormoz prokladiki, ma'lum bir ishqalanish shovqinlari bo'ladi. Chunki tormoz yostig'i va tormoz diski to'liq mos kelmaydi.

Ikkinchidan, tormoz prokladkalarini o'zgartirgandan so'ng, katta oyoqlar bilan tormozga olib keling, keskin bardoshli bo'ling. Chunki yangi tormoz yostig'ining ishqalanish yuzasi tormoz disk yuzasiga to'liq mos kelmaydi.

Xo'sh, nima uchun yuqori samarali modellar katta o'lchamdagi tormoz disklari va prokladkalarini tanlaydi? The more reasonable explanation is that the increase of the contact area is conducive to heat dissipation and reduce the thermal attenuation effect when braking. Bundan tashqari, tormoz yostig'i kichkina bo'lsa, juda nozik bo'lishi mumkin, agar tormoz yostig'i katta bo'lsa, u yupqa vaqtni kechiktiradi.

The so-called thermal attenuation refers to that when braking vigorously, due to the intense friction between the brake pad and the brake disc, the friction material of the brake pad is softened by thermal expansion, and the friction coefficient is reduced, thus affecting the tormoz spektakllari.

In general, after the new brake pads are replaced, it is necessary to fully run in at least 500km to allow the new brake pads to enter the best working condition. Before this, the speed should be properly controlled, and the road condition should be predicted at the high speed to prevent sudden braking and affect the braking force. Yomg'ir va qor ob-havo sharoitida biz tormozni oldinga surish va masofani saqlash uchun ko'proq e'tibor qaratishimiz kerak.

Umuman olganda, tormoz prokladkalarini 3 martadan ko'proq almashtiring, yangi tormoz diskini almashtirishingiz kerak. Albatta, mashinani ishlatish jarayonida har safar tormoz yostiqlarini almashtirganingizda, tormoz diskining chuqurligini tekshirishingiz kerak. Agar u 2 mm ga yetsa, uni o'z vaqtida almashtirilishi kerak.

Yangi tormoz prokladkalarini almashtirishda usta tormoz nasosining qaytishi yaxshi ekanligini tekshirishga yordam beradi. If for some reason, the brake sub-pump, that is, the return of the hydraulic piston is not normal, it will seriously wear the brake pads and brake discs. Juda ko'p zarar bo'ladi.

Post vaqti: yanvar-14-2025