Avtomobilning tormoz tizimi tormoz prokladkalariga, tormoz disklariga, tormoz disklariga, tormoz disklariga, nasosning boshqa tarkibiy qismlariga qarashi kerak. Oddiy sharoitlarda tormoz suyuqligini saqlash miqdori saqlash idishining yuqori va pastki chiziqlari orasida bo'lishi kerak. If there is a lack of brake fluid, the same type of brake fluid should be added, and other types of brake fluid or alcohol substitutes should not be added. The surface of the brake disc should be flat, so that the brake pads can be fitted well, the new replacement of the brake pads is not easy to cause obvious scratches on the surface of the brake disc, if the brake disc surface has obvious grooves , Bu vaqtda yangi tormoz yostig'ini qayta ishlanmasdan shovqin avlod ehtimoli oshadi.
O'tish vaqti: fevral-14-2025