Tormoz yostiqlarining qisqa hayoti nima?

Avtomobillar tormoz pad ishlab chiqaruvchilari: tormoz yostiqlarining qisqa hayoti nima?

Barcha ob'ektlar singari, ko'p haroratlarda interfulyar havolalar kuchlari kamayadi. The principle of braking is to allow kinetic energy to be converted into heat energy by friction to achieve braking (energy balance theory), so a lot of heat generated by brake pad and disc friction will accumulate on the surface of the brake pad friction material, the original brake pad in order to achieve in this high temperature situation, the brake pad to maintain sufficient strength, It is necessary to choose high temperature resistant resin, high purity graphite, high purity barium sulfate and other Materiallar va bu materiallar uglerod mashinasidan faqat bir xil o'lchamli ko'mirni tanlaganingiz kabi, xarajat keskin ko'tariladi.

And inferior brake pads, they will not use such a good material, so they can not guarantee stability at high temperatures, and with the increase of speed, the heat is more, the temperature is higher, the link strength is lower, thereby reducing the tormoz qobiliyati, tormoz masofasi sifatida namoyon bo'ldi. Therefore, the brake pads that you can drive at 20 to 60 km/h in the city do not mean that you have the same stable braking distance performance at high speed. When the link strength of the molecular chain is reduced at high temperature, its wear is accelerated, which is why the service life of the general brand brake pads is very short in the mountains or often in the state of sudden braking.

O'tish vaqti: fevral-13-2025